Foam Collecting Trailer of Greensboro Church Makes Recycling More Convenient

In Greensboro, the First Presbyterian Church has kept collecting and recycling waste foam from those communities and residents over the past dozen years. As more attention was paid to foam recycling, the city's waste reduction supervisor approached the First Presbyterian Church to collaborate on foam recycling. After the cooperation, they installed a foam densifier and recently added a trailer to make foam recycling easier.

Before purchasing a foam collecting trailer and foam densifier, church members would pull waste foam from a fixed collection point to Randleman's factory from trip to trip. Because foam waste is light in weight but large in size, it takes many times to transport foam waste. The cost of shipping is not a tiny expense over time. And the original intention of the church is to reduce pollution and protect the environment, but loose foam waste is easily blown everywhere on the road, which is contrary to the original intention. So, after the co-founded Triad Foam Recycling was established, the organization and environmental management have been working hard to raise money to buy the foam densifier. As more and more foam waste was collected, the committee decided to purchase an additional trailer to help store and transport the foam.

As their foam recycling program continues to grow, people in the community are getting increasingly involved in recycling. They began to understand that foam waste is a recyclable material that should be separated from other waste and sent to a fixed recycling point. The recycled foam will re-enter our lives in unexpected forms after a series of operations. These beautiful photo frames and floor and house trim, for example, are made from recycled foam. There are also lots of coat hangers, benches, stuffing for beanbags, and more.

The image of foam waste has changed greatly from polluting the environment and difficult to dispose of waste to various articles that decorate people's life. At the same time, foam Recycling will bring economic benefits to the organization carrying out this project. Triad Foam Recycling, for example, makes a tidy profit by selling thousands of pounds of compressed waste Foam. The money is used to hire staff, buy fuel and pay for other costs to keep the program running.

In the short term, foam recycling can bring benefits and maintain a clean environment for the community. In the long run, the foam recycling project can reduce the pollution of the whole ecological environment, realize resource circulation, and reduce the consumption of oil. INTCO Recycling continues to offer the best Foam Solutions to companies and organizations from different regions, you are welcome to consult us.