GREENMAX Styrofoam Compactor Helps Reduce Marine Litter

Recently, several scientific experts sorted and counted the collected marine litter and found that plastics make up 84% of all debris. Nearly half of the waste can be traced back to land-based sources (garbage and landfill) and 7% can be traced back to ocean dumps, and at least half of this plastic waste is Styrofoam.

Another news report stated that researchers collected 19 snow samples from Antarctica's largest ice shelf and found microplastics in each sample. And Antarctica, known as the "cleanest" place on Earth, is not immune to plastic pollution today.

Household waste, such as Styrofoam containers and single-use lunch boxes, is now found to be the most significant contributor to this waste, accounting for 47% of all plastic waste. Residents can't do anything about domestic waste but can only sort it for later bulk recycling. Given the high power and prestige of government departments, if they formulate some relevant recycling policies, provide some financial support, encourage green recycling, and the free promotion of large recycling outlets, plastic waste should be reduced accordingly.

In the United States, Canada, and other countries in Europe, there are recycling companies that handle Styrofoam professionally. In Asian regions such as Japan, Styrofoam recycling is not an unfamiliar term. Whether it is Styrofoam packaging or Styrofoam fish boxes, Styrofoam food packaging can be recycled through formal channels. Of course, the role of the Styrofoam compactor in the recycling process is crucial. The Styrofoam compactor compresses loose Styrofoam into compact ingots for easy transport and processing for recycling.

The Styrofoam compactor is a virtual recycling machine. The entire mechanical recycling method works by first compressing the waste through a Styrofoam compactor, then using ingots to make plastic pellets, and finally using these pellets to make other plastic products. The government should encourage large recycling centers to use the Styrofoam copactor to recycle plastic foam such as Styrofoam waste. In many locations, there are regular plastic foam recycling events and some mobile Styrofoam compactors are used on site for Styrofoam recycling and displayed to the public. These all help to promote the popularity of Styrofoam recycling. GREENMAX Styrofoam compactor will be the best choice for major recyclers and the best assistant to reducing ocean plastic waste.