Hilliard Expands Its EPS Recycling Partnering with Some Organizations

The city of Hilliard, Ohio State, purchased an EPS densifier in 2021 with the help of a grant from the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO). Then Hilliard can recycle more EPS waste. Ohio is one of the states that recycle EPS waste the most. These cities such as Dublin, Montgomery, and Hilliard, recycle waste EPS. And they host EPS recycling activities periodically. Long-term insistence brings a positive effect: More communities, organizations, and cities admit that EPS recycling is necessary and beneficial. To better improve the environment, Hilliard partners with some organizations in expanding EPS recycling throughout Ohio.

In the past two years, Hilliard held two successful EPS recycling drives, one in the autumn of 2021, and one after the Christmas of 2022. The two activities enhance the confidence of residents. And more residents take their EPS waste to the collection site actively after Hilliard installed an EPS densifier. It’s the first machine in the region. EPS densifier is capable of shrinking a stack of EPS the size of an SUV down to the size of a concrete block. So the worry that the transportation cost of EPS is settled. Many non-residents are encouraged to recycle their EPS waste at Hilliard’s recycling center.

EPS is not accepted as recyclable in Franklin County previously, because it degrades very slowly, decomposing after hundreds of years. Over time landfill is filled with EPS and other waste. But in Franklin Cunty nearly 76% of waste from landfill could have been diverted through composting or recycling. And EPS is the primary target that the government wants to solve. The city of Hilliard recycles EPS and citizens and businesses have been keeping EPS out of curbside waste bins and dumpsters. Thanks to the nice recycling result, now many organizations, and businesses, join Hilliard’s EPS recycling program.

By proper EPS recycling, people can help to reduce pollution, contribute to clean water, conserve limited natural resources, reduce disposal costs, and reduce reliance on landfills. These benefits are visible. With a serious attitude to EPS recycling, INTCO Recycling can provide EPS densifiers to organizations, businesses, and governments. On the path to sustainability, INTCO is always the guide and helper, and we expect to see the wind of EPS recycling sweep Ohio, the USA, and even the globe.