Foam Recycling can Bring a Long-term Investment Return

Ottawa County, Michigan, is considering partnering with Holland to build a new sustainability center that would offer residents a wider range of recycling options, including the recycling of foam.

During a Finance and Administration Committee meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7, commissioners gave preliminary approval for a $1 million grant for the project.

Expanded polystyrene is a multifunctional lightweight plastic that is widely used in packaging, building materials and other markets. Although polystyrene is valued for its low cost, moisture-proof and cushioning qualities, it also comes with significant environmental costs. It usually takes 400 years to decompose in nature, and people are customed to discard it in landfills or oceans, which has a negative impact on wildlife and their habitats. According to OPDERA, careless disposal of foam plastic products threatens the lives of more than 100,000 marine animals and 1 million seabirds every year.

However, in recent years, foam recycling has gradually become a trend, and more and more people have realized that polystyrene is recyclable and renewable. INTCO Recycling is an expert in the field of foam recycling and has developed a professional GREENMAX foam recycling machine, which can keep up with almost all types of polystyrene material. From a long-term cost perspective, the cost of directly landfilling waste foam is much higher than recycling. Polystyrene is light, bulky, and 90% composed of air, making transportation very expensive. At the same time, ongoing landfill and disposal costs are a significant expense. However, the waste foam compressed by the GREENMAX foam recycling machine can become a continuous source of income for enterprises, regions, and governments. The compressed foam ingots can be sold to local recyclers for remanufacturing a variety of recycled products. If you are not willing to spend time and energy looking for downstream buyers of foam ingots, INTCO Recycling also provides a foam buyback service to customers around the world. Therefore, customers can not only get a return on investment in the machine quickly but also obtain a steady stream of profit income from subsequent development.

INTCO Recycling provides customers with GREENMAX foam recycling machines of various models and capacities. The GREENMAX compactors can easily process foam packaging and containers with water. The density can generally reach 200kg-300kg/m³, and the entire production process is almost zero pollution. At the same time, this series of machines does not require heating and consumes low energy, helping companies save costs.

INTCO Recycling has always been committed to the global foam recycling business, aiming to maintain the beauty of nature.